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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how Mesta Consulting collects and uses personal information and describes your rights with respect to your personal information.

This privacy statement is divided into three sections:

Privacy policy on our website

Privacy policy for our clients

Privacy policy for employees, freelancers and applicants

To do so, click on the relevant section to go to it and learn more about the processing of your personal data.

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data or would like to contact Mesta Consulting’s data protection officer, please contact Mesta Consulting’s associates, who will forward your inquiry to the appropriate employee or team within our organization:

Our contact information:

Mesta Consulting GmbH

Represented by the shareholders Bartosz Metschke and Marc Stahl

Wohltorfer Straße 45

21465 Reinbek



Tel.: +49 178 68 25244

Privacy on our website

Who we are

The address of our website is:

Comments, media and cookies

This website and the posts do not allow comments, media or other active interactions from visitors, so no information from visitors is stored or shared by us. Accordingly, the Website does not set cookies for visitors. We point out that by law connection data must be collected by the server operator.

Embedded content from other websites

Posts on this website may contain embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves exactly as if the visitor had visited the other website.

These websites may collect information about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking services, and record your interaction with this embedded content, including your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged into this website.

Privacy policy for clients

This statement describes how Mesta Consulting GmbH, located at Wohltorfer Straße 45, 21465 Reinbek, processes your personal data. The declaration is addressed to our existing and former clients, interested parties and potential future clients, as well as their respective shareholders, executive bodies and other employees.

Purposes of data processing

We process your personal data in accordance with the EU-DSGVO for a specific purpose and limited to what is necessary. We will process your personal data for the following purposes:

– Contract initiation and conclusion

– Contract fulfillment and order processing

– Master data maintenance

– Payment transactions on behalf of the customer

– Handling of electronic communication

– Strengthening customer loyalty

– Accounting/collection

– Prevention of criminal acts

– Fulfillment of higher-level legal requirements, in particular those for financial services institutions (e.g. KWG, WpHG, various EU regulations and directives)

– Protection of legal claims

If we collect your personal data from you ourselves, the provision of your data is generally voluntary. However, we will not be able to fulfill our mandate fully or at all if you do not provide your personal data.

Legal basis of the processing

Based on the conditions of the EU-DSGVO, the processing of personal data by Mesta Consulting GmbH is lawful.

Transfer of your personal data

The employees and contracted consultants:inside of Mesta Consulting GmbH process the relevant personal data to fulfill the contractual and legal obligations. This happens within the contractual relationship – the data does not leave our catchment area. In addition, bodies outside Mesta Consulting GmbH (third parties) receive personal data on the basis of a defined legal basis. These bodies only receive the data they need for the task in question. Possible recipients of personal data include:

– Public authorities (BaFin, Bundesbank, tax authorities, etc.)

– external accounting

– shipping service providers

– other, contractually bound vicarious agents

– other bodies for which you have given us your consent to the transfer of data

Transfer to third countries

Data is only transferred to countries outside the EU or the EEA (so-called third countries) if this is necessary to execute your orders (e.g. payment or securities orders), if it is required by law (e.g. tax reporting obligations) or if you have given us your consent. If service providers are used in a third country, they are, in addition to written instructions, obligated by the agreement of the EU standard contractual clauses to comply with the level of data protection in Europe.

Deletion periods

We process (and store) your personal data to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations or for the purpose for which you provide us with the data. As soon as the purpose of processing ceases to apply, this data is regularly deleted, unless its further processing for a limited period is necessary for the following purposes:

– Compliance with retention periods under commercial and tax law. The periods specified there for retention or documentation are two to ten years.

– Preservation of evidence within the framework of the statute of limitations. According to §§ 195ff of the German Civil Code (BGB), these limitation periods can be up to 30 years, with the regular limitation period being three years.

Your rights in connection with personal data

(Preliminary) information: see this document.

Information: upon request, we will provide you with a summary of the personal data we have stored about you.

Correction: you have the right to demand that we correct incorrectly recorded data without delay.

Deletion: we delete your data as soon as its processing is no longer necessary. However, there are exceptions to this, see the following point.

Restriction of processing: your data will no longer be used by us if the purpose of processing no longer applies, but we are not yet permitted to delete it due to overriding legal provisions.

Data portability: upon request, we will provide you with your data in a suitable form in order to transfer it to a third party.

Revocation: if you have given us consent to process your personal data for certain processing purposes, you may revoke this consent at any time without giving reasons.

Objection: if the data processing is in the public interest or has been justified on the basis of a balance of interests (“overriding legitimate interest”), you may object to the processing of your personal data for contractual purposes.

Complaint: If you believe that the processing of your personal data by Mesta Consulting is unlawful, you have the right to complain to the supervisory authority of your place of residence.

Privacy policy for employees, freelancers and applicants

Dear employees, dear freelancers, dear applicants,

In accordance with the requirements of Articles 13, 14 and 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we hereby inform you about the processing of personal data collected about you and your rights under data protection law in this regard. In order to ensure that you are fully informed about the processing of your personal data in the context of the establishment, implementation as well as termination of the employment relationship, please take note of the following information.

Purposes of data processing

We process your personal data in accordance with the EU-DSGVO for a specific purpose and limited to what is necessary. We will process your personal data for the following purposes:

– Quotation documents for our clients

– Mesta Consulting website

– Master data maintenance

– Handling of electronic communication

– Accounting/collection

– Prevention of criminal offences

– Fulfillment of overriding legal requirements, especially those for financial services institutions (e.g. KWG, WpHG, various EU regulations and directives)

– Protection of legal claims

If we collect your personal data from you ourselves, the provision of your data is generally voluntary. However, we will not be able to fulfill our mission, or not completely, if you do not provide your personal data.

Categories of personal data

We only process data that is related to your employment. This may be general data about you (name, address, contact details, etc.), information about your professional qualifications and schooling, information about further professional training and, where applicable, other data required for the fulfillment of contractual as well as accounting and tax obligations (bank details, health insurance, social security, tax data, etc.).

Legal basis of the processing

Based on the conditions of the EU-DSGVO, the processing of personal data by Mesta Consulting GmbH is lawful.

Transfer of your personal data

Mesta Consulting GmbH processes the relevant personal data to fulfill contractual and legal obligations. This occurs within the contractual relationship – the data does not leave our catchment area. In addition, bodies outside Mesta Consulting GmbH (third parties) receive personal data on the basis of a defined legal basis. These bodies only receive the data they need for the task in question. Possible recipients of personal data include:

– Clients, future clients

– Public authorities (BaFin, Bundesbank, tax authorities, etc.)

– external accounting

– shipping service providers

– other, contractually bound vicarious agents

– other bodies for which you have given us your consent to the transfer of data

Transfer to third countries

Data is only transferred to countries outside the EU or the EEA (so-called third countries) if this is necessary to execute your orders (e.g. payment or securities orders), if it is required by law (e.g. tax reporting obligations) or if you have given us your consent. If service providers are used in a third country, they are, in addition to written instructions, obligated by the agreement of the EU standard contractual clauses to comply with the level of data protection in Europe.

Deletion periods

We process (and store) your personal data to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations or for the purpose for which you provide us with the data. As soon as the purpose of processing ceases to apply, this data is regularly deleted, unless its further processing for a limited period is necessary for the following purposes:

– Compliance with retention periods under commercial and tax law. The periods specified there for retention or documentation are two to ten years.

– Preservation of evidence within the framework of the statute of limitations. According to §§ 195ff of the German Civil Code (BGB), these limitation periods can be up to 30 years, with the regular limitation period being three years.

Your rights in connection with personal data

(Preliminary) information: see this document.

Information: upon request, we will provide you with a summary of the personal data we have stored about you.

Correction: you have the right to demand that we correct incorrectly recorded data without delay.

Deletion: we delete your data as soon as its processing is no longer necessary. However, there are exceptions to this, see the following point.

Restriction of processing: your data will no longer be used by us if the purpose of processing no longer applies, but we are not yet permitted to delete it due to overriding legal provisions.

Data portability: upon request, we will provide you with your data in a suitable form in order to transfer it to a third party.

Revocation: if you have given us consent to process your personal data for certain processing purposes, you may revoke this consent at any time without giving reasons.

Objection: if the data processing is in the public interest or has been justified on the basis of a balance of interests (“overriding legitimate interest”), you may object to the processing of your personal data for contractual purposes.

Complaint: If you believe that the processing of your personal data by Mesta Consulting is unlawful, you have the right to complain to the supervisory authority of your place of residence.

Provision of personal data

The provision of personal data in the context of concluding an employment relationship is neither legally nor contractually required. You are therefore not obliged to provide information about your personal data. However, please note that these are required for the conclusion of an employment relationship (employment contract) with us. If you do not provide us with personal data when concluding the employment relationship, we cannot conclude an effective employment relationship with you. We recommend that you only provide personal data that is required for the commencement and performance of the employment relationship.

Automated decision making

Since the decision about your employment is not based exclusively on automated processing, no automated decision-making in individual cases within the meaning of Art. 22 DSGVO takes place.